Dive into the world of modern application development with our "Spring Boot and Microservices Mastery" course. This comprehensive course is designed to equip developers with the skills to build robust, scalable, and efficient microservices using Spring Boot. Learn how to leverage the power of Spring Boot for rapid application development and explore best practices for designing and managing microservices architectures.
Pre-Requisites to learn Spring Boot with Microservices are below
- Core Java
- Adv. Java
- Database (SQL)
- Web Development (HTML, CSS and JS)
- What is Spring Framework
- What is Spring Boot
- Differences between Spring & Spring Boot
- Spring Boot Overview
- Pros & Cons of Spring Boot
- Approaches to create Spring Boot Application
- Spring Initializer (start.spring.io)
- Spring Starter Wizard in STS IDE
- Introduction to Spring Boot Starters
- Spring Boot Parent Starter
- Spring-boot-starter
- Spring-boot-starter-web
- Spring-boot-starter-webflux
- Spring-boot-starter-data-jpa
- Spring-boot-devtools
- Spring-boot-starter-mail
- Spring-boot-actuator
- Spring-boot-starter-test etc.
- What is Start Class in Spring Boot
- @SpringBootApplication annotation internals
- SpringApplication.run(..) method internals
- Spring Boot Application Boot strapping
- Auto Configuration in Spring Boot
- IOC container
- Dependency Injection
- a) Setter Injection
- b) Constructor Injection
- c) Field Injection
- Stereotype Annotations
- a) @Component
- b) @Service
- c) @Repository
- d) @Controller
- Base Package Naming convention
- Component Scanning
- Auto wiring
- a) byType
- b) byname
- c) constructor
- d) none
- @Qualifier annotation
- @Primary annotation
- Introduction to @Configuration annotation
- Details of @Bean annotation
- Bean Life Cycle
- Bean Scopes
- Banner in Spring Boot
- Standalone application development in Spring Boot
- Standalone application with layered architecture
- Runner in Spring Boot
- a) Application Runner
- b) CommandLine Runner TOOLS
Free Tools
- 1) Maven
- 3) Swagger